Who run the world? You guessed it…GIRLS!
At the risk of sounding like the guy you can’t stand on The Bachelorette, it’s safe to say that I’ve been surrounded by girls my entire life. To provide some background on how this has a deep rooted history in my family, my Grandpa Lou had a tradition that every time either my grandmother or his own three daughters were expecting babies, he’d make a bet with...

Who run the world? You guessed it…GIRLS!
At the risk of sounding like the guy you can’t stand on The Bachelorette, it’s safe to say that I’ve been surrounded by girls my entire life. To provide some background on how this has a deep rooted history in my family, my Grandpa Lou had a tradition that every time either my grandmother or his own three daughters were expecting babies, he’d make a bet with his best friend. If it was a girl, my Grandpa owed him a bottle of Crown Royal. If a boy, he’d owe my Grandpa one.
3 daughters and then 3 granddaughters later added up to a lot of whiskey. And none to my Grandpa. Until me…the first boy. And then 2 more granddaughters after that, but all was ok because thanks to me, we were now proud owners of the coveted Crown!

“Scot at his wedding with Grandpa Lou, cracking open the 31 year old bottle of Crown Royal”
My current home life surrounded by 3 girls then led to me entering an office of 7 more women. It just kind of happened…this female phenomenon crept into my professional life at STATE.
So as we started planning out our early Spring campaigns and initiatives, it felt only right that we drive our messaging around tipping the cap to women who are breaking the glass ceiling, crushing it as Moms, and tapping into the #GirlPower movement rumbling amongst the female youth.
It’s been a fun few weeks. Whether it was featuring our mostly female squad for National Karaoke Week,

watching budding female entrepreneurs sacrifice birthday gifts for STATE Do Goodie Bags,

saluting Moms who are going above and beyond the call of duty, while honoring our own STATE Mama,
and doing something we’ve been wanting to do for years, and finally did…carry out an all-female bag drop rally!
Our PackMen morphed into PackWomen. The sea of students filling the auditorium cheered things like “GIRL POWER!” and “THE GIRLS PREP SISTERS LOOK GOOD, EVVVVVVRYDAY!” and of course, “WHO RUN THE WORLD? GIRLS!!!"

We’ve done close to 40 total bag drop events across the country, and continue to believe that STATE has revolutionized the one for one model in how we actually deliver the donated bags through these motivational experiences. But, we truly made history last Friday at Girls Prep Charter School in partnership with the team at Twitter NYC. It was a dream come true, not just for Jacq and I, but our entire squad.

It’s always fun to pretend like I’m losing all my masculinity when listening to female artists like Taylor Swift or Beyoncé in the office, but the truth is, I feel right at home. Not only because being part of a mostly female pack is in my roots, but also that I’ve now been witness to just how insanely incredible a female driven company can be.
And if girls are gonna run the world…I’m all in!