Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ultrices, justo eget tincidunt interdum, quam nisi interdum tellus, sed consequat urna mauris eget sapien. Integer vitae felis ac ligula hendrerit finibus quis sed augue.
As seen on's The Movement campaign, this video has garnered close to 800K views!. "This is why we need to stop saying the "R word." . .
AJ+'s #EraseTheRWord video has been viewed close to 250K times!. "This bag company wants you to stop saying “retarded.”. .
. Our latest #WhatDoWeTellTheKids video (shot and directed by Emmy Award winner, Kat Misko) featuring incredible advocates from YAI simply asks the question, why? Why is the R word still being used when it's so hurtful to...
. . . What do we tell the kids? It's a question I've been asking myself and obsessing over in recent months. It started with the rise of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement, and intensified while watching...
. The #BlackLivesMatter Movement has sparked an important and necessary time in our lives. But what I've battled with most is it needing to exist at all. . Children growing up in underfunded neighborhoods - whose...