Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ultrices, justo eget tincidunt interdum, quam nisi interdum tellus, sed consequat urna mauris eget sapien. Integer vitae felis ac ligula hendrerit finibus quis sed augue.
. . (Pictured above: Scot, hashing out this blog post in his Celtics socks). Why Does He Care So Much?. Why do I care so much? It’s a question I’ve asked myself time and again,...
. . Team Hoyt. For different people, running can mean different things. It’s exercise. It’s training. It’s therapeutic. It’s a time to think while taking in your surroundings. It’s brutal. Running to me is all...
. . T-Talk. My Uncle Milt passed away when when I was 13. He died of AIDS and was one of the many victims of the disease which at the time couldn’t be fully treated...
. . Marblehead Moments. Mr. McCoy, my high school history teacher and current Facebook friend (weird how that happens) had countless, classic quotes, phrases and methods. . When you gave that shocked, “ohhhhh, I get it...