Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ultrices, justo eget tincidunt interdum, quam nisi interdum tellus, sed consequat urna mauris eget sapien. Integer vitae felis ac ligula hendrerit finibus quis sed augue.
. . Mitylene, a great store in Atlanta that literally JUST opened two weeks ago, was kind enough to answer some questions for us! They’re carrying STATE as a part of their opening collection and...
. . STATE is on the search for a Digital Marketing / Social Media Intern. S/he will work directly with STATE’s Co-Founder and Digital Marketing Manager in helping to execute all of our (awesome) online...
. . As a part of our ongoing series where we talk to the lovely people who carry STATE in their stores, we spoke to Avi and Courtney who own an analog toy shop, Norman...
. . We’re excited to kick off our newest blog series… highlighting our awesome retailers and the people who carry STATE in their stores! We’ll be talking to the store owners, the people who carefully...
. Our kickoff bag drop with Honest x STATE was a whirlwind. We gave away 1,000 bags to kids getting ready to start kindergarten. We stuffed the bags with Honest goodies and then threw a...
. . Just a few of our favorite shots from Friday… throwing a bag drop in the Bronx with our friends at American Eagle and TFA! it’s great to have so many awesome volunteers from...
. . This is like our Christmas! We love seeing all the #BTS shots you guys have been sharing with us. Got one of your own? Tweet it at us or share it on our...
. . It’s #InernationalLiteracyDay! We can’t help but get jazzed about it. Reading is something that’s always been a part of STATE’s philosophy and the empowerment we bring to our bag drops. It’s even hidden...
. . A few of our favorite pictures of artist Nick Onken painting our Lorimer bags at the August Vivonne salon! #createyourmoments and these moments are dope.
. . Another pinch-us moment… Seeing our #AEOxSTATE bag on a billboard in TIMES SQUARE!.
. . A Smith at Stumptown. .
. . All week, our founders have been at Camp POWER 2015, a non-profit summer camp they started… and where STATE began! Scot and Jacq started Camp POWER through their foundation, Country Roads, to give...