Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ultrices, justo eget tincidunt interdum, quam nisi interdum tellus, sed consequat urna mauris eget sapien. Integer vitae felis ac ligula hendrerit finibus quis sed augue.
I'm taking to the blog this week to issue a challenge to anyone who reads or shares this. It's a simple one, so don't bail on me just yet. .
A dream became a reality last week as we were finally able to share the secret about our most massive donation initiative with incredible partners, announced on the biggest stage in the world. . Check out...
. . Who run the world? You guessed it…GIRLS!. At the risk of sounding like the guy you can’t stand on The Bachelorette, it’s safe to say that I’ve been surrounded by girls my entire...
. . When Instagram Becomes Insta-Give. When our Ambassadors post about us, they’re sharing not only their style but where their heart lies. Because of them, we’ve been able to donate over 1,000 bags to...
. STATE’S Mother’s Day Surprise. Our first ever all-girls bag drop event was history-making, and also happened the Friday before Mother’s Day. So, we made it even more memorable for our STATE Mom, Jacq.
. . Everything But The Bag. Don’t worry, we know what bag you’re going to want to get for mom. Everything from carry-all weekenders to the fashion bag she actually WANTS to carry. But what...
. . #MOMSALUTE. “My family is my gift and at the center of it is my mother. She taught me from a young age to be patient, confident and loving in all forms. She’s been...
. . Motivate Yourself. We like to be ready for anything. A kid’s birthday party, a spin class, last-minute dinner shopping. Anything. But we’ll admit– we can’t do it alone. Sometimes you need a little...
. #GiveBackPack Surprise. What happens when we get word of an amazing principal doing great work in New Orleans? Click play.
. Sweet Jacqy Z. Since it’s #NationalKaraokeWeek AND #TBT, we thought we’d throw this out there… the time Scot proposed to Jacq with (you guessed it) karaoke.
. The STATE Bunch. It’s #NationalKaraokeWeek and we feel like celebrating. “But how does the STATE Bunch get their karaoke on?” Glad you asked…. Sing along and tweet us @statebags with your own #Dubsmash. We wanna...
. . Bond. Packable Bond. Shop now.